Sexuality related hyperlinks

with a special focus on links useful to those raised in conservative religion


An Annotated Bibliography on Sexual Arousal, Orgasm, and Female Ejaculation in Humans and Animal


Sex for one - the joy of self loving - By Betty Dodson

The Hite Report: A National Study of Female Sexuality

Hite Report on Male Sexuality

Human Sexual Response - By William Masters, Virginia Johnson

Sexual Behavior in the Human Male - by Wardell Baxter Pomeroy, Clyde E. Martin, Alfred C. Kinsey

Sexual Behavior in the Human Female : By the Staff of the Institute for Sex Research, Indiana University, Alfred C. Kinsey

Bonobo : the forgotten ape 

Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors


A Bonobo conservation site.

Circumcision reversal & related

My own views on circumcision

NOCIRC Home Page

List of anti-circ groups - from NOCIRC

National Organization of Restoring Men

NOHARMM - National Organization to Halt the Abuse and Routine Mutilation of Males

Delaying orgasm - ejaculation control

Male Control of Ejaculation

Continuous male orgasms


FOREPLAY IS NOT "Ready Brace" - an orgasm is like a sneeze - from a liberated Christian site

Female ejaculation & G spot stuff

G spot & ejac stuff from

One sex or two? Female Ejaculation - as from Ideas on CBC Radio - the transcript starts about half way down the page 

How to videos list at

General guides FAQ site at

another site with FAQ info - a noncommercial positive sex site

Human Sexual Response - web pages that detail the cycle

Archive of Sexology

How the Brain Organizes Sexual Behavior


Clitoris captured alive and well

Dynamic Three-Dimensional Ultrasound of the Clitoris

Magnetic resonance imaging of male and female genitals during coitus and female sexual arousal


Joycelyn Elders on masturbation - "...Masturbation, practiced consciously or unconsciously, cultivates in us a humble elegance -- an awareness that we are part of a larger natural system, the passions and rhythms of which live on in us. Sexuality is part of creation, part of our common inheritance, and it reminds us that we are neither inherently better nor worse than our sisters and brothers. Far from evil, masturbation just may render heavenly contentment in those who dare..."

Masturbation Frequently Asked Questions file from

Looking at Women's Orgasm Over the Last Thirty Years

Betty Dodson - letters about the joy of masturbation

How To Masturbation for Men - from

Male Masturbation - as from ""

Male Masturbation Techniques

Female Masturbation - as from ""

More women related stuff

Role of the Urethra in Female Orgasm

The clitoris during intercourse

How to pee standing up - what fun

Trouble achieving orgasm is not uncommon

Female Orgasm: How to Give a Woman an Orgasm

Heritability of Female Orgasm - Study in Royal Society Journal

Oral sex

Performing fellatio - from

Performing  cunnilingus - also from

LDS Church directive against Oral Sex - yet another example of the anti-sex anti-human nature of Mormonism


Google and wiki entries


Satan and the Clitoris: Southpark the Movie as Neo-Nietzchen Gnostic Allegory

Positive sexuality

Positive sex primer from advocates POSITIVE sex eduction


The Orgasmic Brain: audio or transcript

Build up of dopamine and the thalamus - article from Men's Health magazine - scroll down a bit and start reading where it says " all starts and ends..."

TV shows

Talk sex with Sue


Hitachi Magic Wand

Pocket Rocket


Related video rental info from

Vulvas - a non-commercial grass roots effort to show the variety in vulvas

one additional one found online


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